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Today, I’m delighted to be interviewing fellow crochet-lover and pattern designer, Cat.

You may know Cat already from her Instagram account @catknit_ (if you’re not following her already, click here to do it now, or you can check out her blog here).

Cat’s crocheted creations stand out for all the right reasons on the ‘gram. They are big, squishy, colourful, and oh so very cute! 

As a little bit of background, Cat is a London-based Norwegian, who is a Digital Designer by day and an obsessed crafter by night. 

I’m super excited to learn more about Cat and her crochet creations, and I bet you are too. So let’s cut to the chase…

Cat, I noticed your crocheted creations quite a while ago on Instagram, and ever since I’ve been super curious about your crochet journey. Are you able to tell us all a bit about how you started crocheting, and how your journey has progressed so far?

“I started crocheting about four years ago. I’ve been knitting since I was a child so I first started my Instagram account to share my knits (hence the @catknit_ handle). I wanted to make some Christmas tree decorations and most of the patterns I liked were crocheted, so I decided it was time to give something new a try!

“I quickly became rather obsessed with amigurumis and wrote my first pattern that same year. For the first years of crocheting my preference was to work with DK cotton yarn but since trying chenille for the first time last year, my style has completely changed and it’s now my absolute favourite go-to yarn.”

I was always curious about your Instagram handle, but now that makes perfect sense! It also must be a great conversation starter.

Being a crochet designer as well as a maker, I’m super curious about your crochet aspirations. Could you tell us all a little bit about your future crochet hopes and dreams?

“I would really like to continue to grow my skills and evolve my style. Making sure I’m always enjoying what I’m doing. I have a lot of people often ask me why I don’t sell my makes and patterns, and the truth is that I did at one point do it as a business but it ended up stressing me out and taking the enjoyment out of my hobby. I ended up closing the business and didn’t crochet or knit for about a year. Now I’m back to enjoying my craft and I only crochet when I feel inspired to.”

That is so interesting and honest. I know I can definitely relate and imagine a lot of our fellow crocheters can too. I’m so glad to hear you’re back to enjoying your craft now though! Sometimes it’s definitely worth taking a break so you can find your crochet passion again, especially if you’re at the point of it stressing you out.

Cat, can I just say, you have designed some absolutely gorgeous patterns! I’d love to know what inspired you to start crochet designing?

“Thank you so much! I just loved the idea of someone making something that I had designed. It gives me so much joy every time I get tagged in a picture where someone has used one of my patterns and they might be on the other side of the world which is just crazy to me!”

It is mad how far and wide our crocheting community is, isn’t it? I absolutely love it, and I can just imagine the thrill you must feel when you see your designs come to life by other crocheters! 

Speaking of which, do you have a favourite design you’ve made so far?

“EEYORE! Because who doesn’t love Eeyore! I also designed some sea creatures for a Marks & Spencer kidswear shoot which was super exciting.”

Wow, that is pretty incredible that you got to design something for a commercial shoot! (*Stunned face!*) That must have been so exciting! Also, I swear I didn’t ask you to say Eeyore, but I’m so glad you did! Haha. I am a HUGE fan, and your design is absolutely adorable! 

Now if crocheters would like to get their hands on your free crochet patterns, where can they go?

“My patterns can all be accessed through my Instagram page @catknit_ or directly from my blog.”

I can hear the stampede of traffic going to your Instagram profile to get your free patterns now! 😉

By what you’ve said, and also by looking at your Instagram feed of gorgeous creations, I can tell that you are a big fan of Chenille yarn. Now, this is a yarn I’ve never used before but I am so intrigued by it!

Are you able to tell me a little more about this yarn, and why you’ve gravitated towards using it in your crochet projects?

“First of all, it’s SUPER soft so it’s very gentle on your hands and oh so squishy. I first used it for a baby gift since I wanted it to be nice and cuddly. That’s also why most of my larger amigurumis have stitched eyes and not plastic ones. I also love how you can make large shapes quite quickly. For crocheters using it for the first time it can be difficult to see the stitches but you will get used to it. I just counted my stitches after each round to make sure I hadn’t missed any at the start. It can also be helpful when working with magic rings to use a bit of cotton DK to do the ring you crochet into to make it easier to close.”

That is such a great tip, and I have to admit Chenille yarn looks so soft! I really do want to give it a try soon, and speaking with you is definitely giving me the push that I needed. I can’t wait!

Since you’ve been crocheting for quite some time, I was wondering if you could share a piece of crochet advice for beginner crocheters out there. If you could give them one tip, what would it be?

“Don’t give up! You will be unravelling work and you will get totally confused but persevere and you’ll quickly be able to crochet while binging Netflix! Also, YouTube is your best friend! I used a crochet book for beginners teamed with YouTube tutorials for when I couldn’t figure out the pictures and words. Start with an easy yarn, cotton is perfect as there’s no fluff and the stitches are super easy to see (and count!).”

Words of wisdom, right there! I couldn’t agree with you more. Perseverance is definitely key, mixed in with a bunch of help from YouTube tutorials and easy to see yarn.

Now for the more advanced crocheters out there who might be thinking of giving crochet designing a try, do you have any advice?

“Write it down as you go! I far too often crochet the whole thing and then have to figure out what I’ve done. Start with something small and easy and get feedback from other crocheters to find out whether the pattern is easy to read and follow.”

Cat, we are definitely singing from the same song sheet! I’m very new to crochet designing myself, but wow have I learned the hard way when it comes to writing things down as you go along. Also, pattern testers are seriously such a godsend! 

Now, I just have one more question for you. Overall, do you have any favourite crochet tips, tricks, or resources that you’ve found helpful in your own crochet journey that you’d be happy to share?

“I only discovered the invisible decrease this year and it’s a game changer when making amigurumis! If you don’t know this method I’d recommend a quick YouTube watch.

“If you’re a pattern designer like me, I’d recommend using someone else’s patterns from time to time to learn new things, that’s how I learnt the stitch above!”

That is such fabulous advice, Cat – thank you so much for your time today! I’ve really enjoyed learning more about you, your crochet journey, and picking your brain about all things crochet. 

For my readers, don’t forget to give Cat a follow on Instagram @CatKnit_ here and check out her blog here, and I hope you’ve enjoyed this interview as much as I have.

Speak to you all soon, and in the meantime, happy crocheting! 

Cilla x

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