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An interview with the talented crochet designer, Grace from Gracie Bobbins.
I’ve been following Grace’s crochet journey on Instagram @graciebobbins for about a year now, and was so excited when she agreed to be interviewed.
In this crochet chat, we dive into how Grace found her love of crochet, tips for beginner crocheters and aspiring crochet designers, along with some much-needed insight into the world of CALs (‘crochet-alongs’ for anyone new to them, like me!). Let’s get started!
Meet Grace from Gracie Bobbins

Grace, before we jump straight to the crochet chat, can you tell us all a little bit about yourself?
“I’m Grace, although everyone knows me as Gracie or Bobbins. I’m 30 and I’m from a tiny village in South Staffordshire in the UK. I currently live with my mom and my 9-year-old furbaby, Nero, who I have been with since the second he was born! I work full-time in customer services. And although that may sound boring, my job has provided me with MANY hilarious anecdotes! I am a serial crafter and have so many hobbies. Amongst my (very) long list of hobbies is punch needle, cross stitch, illustrating and hand-lettering! Before crochet came knocking on my door, my instagram account was actually dedicated to lettering and calligraphy, but these posts are all archived now.”
That’s such a great list of hobbies, and I can only imagine the hilarious stories you have from working in customer services! Now, I am super curious as to how you started with crochet. Can you tell us all a little about your crochet journey so far?
“The first time I ever crocheted was roughly 7 years ago when I attempted to make a baby blanket for my niece. It was super wonky and I think I made it about 10 rows in before I couldn’t take it anymore haha! After that, I put my hook down and thought it just wasn’t for me. This was until my sister bought me an amigurumi book and asked me to make some animals for my nephew. After that, I became obsessed.
“Then it all escalated. I started to crochet in every second of my spare time – when I was at work, on the bus, everywhere!
“This then led me to crochet designing, which I started about a year or so ago. I still consider myself a newbie designer, but I really enjoy the process. The first thing I ever designed was Nimbus the Niffler, however the first design I ever officially released was Penelope the Piglet for Amigurumi Showcase.”
Honestly, learning more about your journey makes me realise how much we have in common! I started off with crocheting a blanket and gave up as well. It wasn’t until I found amigurumi that my love of crochet really took hold. It’s funny how amigurumi can do that to a person, haha!
Tips for beginner crocheters
Speaking of difficult beginnings, do you have any top tips for crocheters who are just starting out?
“My biggest tip for beginner crocheters is to not get disheartened if things don’t look perfect or work out. Crochet is definitely something you get better at the more you practice!
“Also, watch YouTube videos, read crochet books, read blogs. There are so many amazing free resources out there for beginners that are super helpful!
“Something I wish I’d known when I first started is that there is a difference between UK and US terms. I tripped up a few times on this when I first started crocheting.”
Honestly, you’re not alone there! Knowing the difference between UK and US terms definitely takes some practice and has tripped me up in the past too. It definitely doesn’t help when not all patterns specify which terms they have used…
Crochet design inspiration
Moving on to crochet designing, I’m so keen to know about what inspires your designs, Gracie. I always remember reading the story of why you designed Ernie the Horse, as a tribute to your Dad. I think that’s such a lovely backstory, plus Ernie is so cute!
Can you tell us a little bit more about where your inspiration generally comes for your crochet designs? Also, do you have a favourite design you’ve made so far?
“Thank you, that’s so kind of you! A lot of my inspirations come from my childhood. I grew up watching things like The Animals of Farthing Wood and Wind in the Willows, and reading books by Enid Blyton and Beatrix Potter. I am 100% sure that’s where my obsession of animals wearing clothes started!
“I like to design things that make me feel something or that make me laugh, and I like my designs to reflect that. I just want to make people laugh or smile.
“My favourite design that I’ve created so far would have to be Pieter the Painter who I designed for Hobbycraft. He is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever created and every time I look at him I feel SO much joy.”

I love that you’ve made a mention of Wind in the Willows – I have fond memories of the show, and my Dad used to tell me bedtime stories when I was a kid based on all of the characters. But seriously, all of your designs definitely do bring a smile to my face, Gracie! Pieter the Painter is so fun and creative!
Tips for aspiring crochet designers
What three tips would you give to readers who are interested in becoming crochet designers?
“This is a good question!
“My first tip would be to get involved within the crochet community, especially on Instagram. This community is so open, and people want to help and cheer you on. The amount of things that I’ve learnt and gained from this community has been invaluable and I’ve also been lucky enough to make some really wonderful friends too.
“My second tip for aspiring designers is to keep a notebook with your ideas – and most importantly your notes! When you first start designing, it’s so easy to just get into the swing of things, but there’s nothing worse than getting to the end of something and having no way of knowing how you got there. So make sure you write your pattern down, otherwise it’s a lot of work going back on yourself.
“And my final tip is to learn from what’s already out there. Even as a designer, I love making patterns by other people. I learn so much about pattern writing, formatting and new techniques and stitches that I can bring into my own work.”
All such great tips, Gracie! I couldn’t agree with you more.
The low-down on CALs
I have to admit, I’ve never taken part in a CAL as a crocheter or a designer, however I’ve always wanted to! Since I know you’ve taken part in CALs before from both perspectives, I’m really keen to find out more about them from you. By the way, your Puddles the Duck design for the All The Seasons CAL earlier this year is so extremely cute!
For all of us CAL newbies, would you be able to tell us a little about how they work from the perspective of a crocheter taking part, and from the perspective of a designer? Also, are there any other exciting CALs coming up that we should be keeping an eye out for?
“Thank you, Cilla! So a CAL is a crochet-along which involves people working on the same pattern at the same time as a community.
“Crochet alongs can be in so many different formats – sometimes it might be one designer releasing their pattern in installments for people to work on and sometimes it can be a group of designers releasing a pattern (usually for free) every week or two as part of a theme.
“Whatever the format, a CAL is just a really fun way of making friends, learning new skills and working on something fun!
“As a designer, being part of a CAL gives me an opportunity to engage with the community and give something back to the people who have supported me. And who doesn’t like a cute free crochet pattern, right?! There are actually some very exciting CALs coming up that I’m involved in (and maybe hosting hehe!) which will be released very soon and I cannot wait!”
CALs are so much clearer to me now. Thanks so much for sharing, Gracie.
Also, if you are looking for a CAL to take part in for the spooky season, the Trick or Treat CAL is a fantastic one to get involved in. Plus, Gracie is one of the designers – I really can’t wait to see what Gracie’s design is! Just head over to @trickortreatcal on Instagram to find out more.
Upcoming designs from @GracieBobbins
Do you have any hints as to what designs you’re currently working on? Anything new we should look out for?
“I have so many things currently in the works – I am the queen of unfinished projects haha! But I am finally putting together the pattern for Lyra Belacqua who I designed last year, so that pattern will be ready soon. I’m also working on a few Christmas related patterns too which is very exciting.”
Unfinished projects are just part of being a crocheter, am I right? Haha. I also can’t wait to see Lyra and your Christmas creations and will be stalking your Insta for updates, Haha!
How to Connect with @GracieBobbins
Last but not least, where can readers find your crochet patterns and follow your crochet journey?
“You can find me on Instagram @graciebobbins or on Facebook. And you can currently find my patterns in my Etsy shop and my Ravelry.”
Gracie Bobbin’s Favourites
Before we go, I have a quick fire question round for you, mostly crochet-related. Here we go…
- Printed or digital patterns? Digital
- Favourite yarn? Stylecraft DK or Yarn and Colors Must Have
- What yarn material do you prefer to crochet with? Acrylic and Cotton
- Favourite crochet Instagram account? @Sookieandivycrochet (because dogs)
- Favourite crochet website? Tinycurl
- Currently reading? Dear Edward by Ann Napolitano
- Most inspirational crochet designer for you? @littleaquagirl
- Pattern books or individual patterns? Oooh both!
- Aluminium or ergonomic crochet hooks? Ergnonomic
Thank you so much for chatting with me about all things crochet, Gracie. I’ve really enjoyed getting to know more about you and your crochet journey. Plus, your crochet tips are awesome!
For my readers, I’ve hoped you’ve enjoyed this crochet chat with Gracie too! And don’t forget you can keep following along for updates at @graciebobbins on Instagram.
Until next time, happy crocheting,
Cilla x