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I pattern tested this adorable design for Denise Haakt on Instagram (follow Denise here) and loved every minute! 

It was such a simple pattern to follow, and honestly was just so fun to make. 

I mean, who crochet doesn’t want a happy hook? 😉

You can find the pattern for yourself FOR FREE on Denise Haakt’s instagram account (head to her post below).

Here are a couple of notes from how I used the pattern, just to help get you started:

I used an unknown yarn. I seriously have no clue what it was called (it was given to me as a gift) but was in a shiny gold and a shiny blue. I believe it was a yarn mixed with acrylic, not normally my go-to, but it worked!

To crochet this pattern, all you really need to know is how to increase and  decrease, as well as do a wee bit of embroidery for the facial features. 

Here are a few videos that I’ve found that will help you through the process,  but if you have any questions at all, please feel free to reach out to myself or the designer, Denise (click here for her instagram) directly. We’re both happy to help! 

Single crochet increase

Bobbie Thompson has some great YouTube crochet videos, and this is one of them. I hope it helps!

How to single crochet decrease

This is a very simple YouTube tutorial for anyone attempting to do a crochet decrease for the first time.

How to embroider features on amigurumi

I  just discovered this video today, and it shows an approach I’ve never tried before. However, it makes a lot of sense. Check this out if you’re looking for new tips on how to embroider your features onto your amigurumi.

I hope this post helps you if you do decide to crochet The Happy Hook for yourselves. It is an  extremely straightforward crochet pattern, and it’s free, what more can you ask for?

If you do decide to crochet this fun pattern for yourselves, please do share your makes with Denis (@denisehaakt on Instagram). We’d both love to see your creations! 

Happy crocheting, and I’ll talk to you all soon,

Cilla  x

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